


你是第一代吗?? 你怎么知道的? 通常, new college students who have no parents or siblings who have earned a college degree are considered first-generation college students. This is a great opportunity—but it also means you have to figure out how to navigate the college search 和 admissions process. 你可能认为你必须独自完成. 但是你没有. 重点大学 has about 43% first-generation students. This means we know how to help you 和 your family navigate your way through the college process. Let Keystone help you become the best college student 和 college graduate you can be!

你并不孤单. 作为Keystone的第一代学生, you’ll connect with a community that encourages 和 supports you academically, 在财务上. 和社会.


图书馆, Learning 和 Career Center provides academic advising, 实习, 职业准备, 残疾人服务, 和更多的.



学生中心, a one-stop center for student services includes financial aid, 注册课程, 以及计费协助.


你的兴趣是否具有社会性, 精神上的, 或运动, there’s always a chance to be introduced to new ideas 和 new friends.

“我不是在最好的环境中长大的, 和 going to college allows me the chance to make a difference.”



Explore your options for 奖学金s 和 financial aid.


We’ve got you covered with over 50-degree options.


Estimate the cost of your tuition 和 your financial aid options at 重点大学.



Keystone reset tuition prices beginning in the 2020-2021 academic year. 看看这会如何影响你.




招生顾问 work with all prospective students throughout the entire pre-enrollment process; from the moment they inquire about 重点大学 until classes begin. They will help with application procedures, financial aid, 和 new student orientation.


住在家里的学生, 通常是和父母在一起, 和 comes to campus on a regular basis for classes.


The time associated with the amount of work in a class. Each credit hour includes at least 50 minutes of classroom time plus two hours of out of class work. For example, a typical course is worth 3 credit hours. This means a student would be in class for three 50-minutes sessions or the equivalent, plus would have about 6 hours of required study/homework time to complete the work of that course.


The amount required to be paid by a student to secure their spot in the class of students coming to a college, 和, 如果适用的话, 宿舍里的一张床.


The Free Application for Federal Student Aid is a requirement of the United States Department of Education used to determine most types of financial aid. The form requires both student 和 parent income unless the student is independent. 重点大学 uses only this form 和 does not require any other financial aid applications. Note: The Pennsylvania State Grant may be applied for at the end of the FAFSA.


An undergraduate student who is registered for no less than 12 credit hours each semester. Note: Billing terms 和 financial aid change for part-time students.


A student who is pursuing a Graduate degree, typically a Master’s or Doctorate degree.


A course that is a combination of in classroom time 和 online (internet) work.


The process of meeting 和 interacting with individuals. 通常 networking is done with those who are involved in a students classes, 课外活动, 或者潜在的职业.


A course that is offered exclusively via the internet.


The Office of the 注册商 is your resource for commonly used forms, 课程报名及时间表, 学术政策, 成绩, 记录请求, 注册验证, 毕业资格确认.


A student who lives in the residence halls on campus during the school year.


The office at 重点大学 that includes the financial aid, 计费, 奖学金, 注册器功能. It is designed to provide one place for students 和 parents to get answers to all their administrative-type questions answered.


重点大学 does not require st和ardized test scores (SAT or ACT) to be submitted. 如果你选择提交你的成绩, they will not hurt your admission decision 和 may help you earn additional 奖学金 money, 但它们不是必需的.


A student who is pursuing a Bachelor’s or Associate degree for the first time. The student may be a recent high school graduate or an older adult.


在这个过程中,美国.S. Department of Education may r和omly select students 和 require the school to check all financial information on the FAFSA. If verification is not completed, the student will not be eligible for aid.


570-945-8111 or
地点:Sabiston Hall

Important Codes: SAT code: 2351 ACT code: 3602 | FAFSA: 003280


当你选择立博平台学院, you’re choosing to join a close-knit community of students, faculty 和 staff who want you to succeed 和 are willing to see to it that you do, starting with the college admissions process.

Our Stairs to Success program begins with steps to take during the college admissions 和 guides you through your four-years at Keystone to ensure you graduate on time 和 are well on your way to the exciting career of your dreams. Come for a visit 和 see for yourself what makes 重点大学 so unique.